Monday 5 May 2008

My Character's World


My character is called Apathy, he is human and he is like your average 19 year old guy and is expected to live for a good 80 years of his life. he is about 5'9'' in height.

He walks and runs like a normal human.

He needs food, air, water and shelter in order to survive.

Time for my character doesn't really matter

Walking is his only means of transportation

My character lives in a city so he is surrounded by big tall buildings

Colours and Sense
As i mentioned earlier, he lives in the city where it's always busy and the noise made by cars and people

He carries a gun with him, ever since his girlfriend got murdered, he still seeks for his girlfriend's murderer and avenge her death


Class or Caste
There is no class or caste system in my character's world

They communicate like other humans and everyone that can talk has access

Type of Government
Monarchy, it as little effect on my character

Built Environment
The urban areas are well inhabited and is in good repair

Social Fabric
Things are in a balance where the good and the evil resides

He does not believe in anything

He loves to play basketball and he is really good at it too

Life Pattern
Each inhabitants have unique and different life patterns to others

My character is an orphan and he was brought up in the orphanage

People wear their normal clothes


He wears casual clothes

Social standing
My character is a 19 year old student

Aim in life
The main aim in life for my character was to be married and live a good life but his partner got murdered and now he wants to avenge his girlfriend's death

Place in the world
My character is a renegade

Strength and weaknesses
Bullets and other deadly weapons

Talking to other people

Sensory perception
Sense of touching, smelling, seeing, hearing and tasting

Perception memory
He gathers information in his brain

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