Wednesday 11 June 2008

Story Script

Fade in:

INT: Front of building to Ozanimart.

Fast fwd speed through entrance to building, into elevator, out and down the hall to the shop. Where we find that it’s ‘Apathy’ walking into the shop and ‘Cho’ behind the counter.

CAMERA PANS OUT and to the side showing Apathy walk towards the counter to the right when he walks in, slowly CAMERA ZOOMS IN to single out and frame Apathy and Cho talking.

New Scene:

Later that night…

Fade in moving right:

Apathy and Cho entering a club in the Melbourne CBD. CAMERA PANS through the wall and inside the club where Cho is chatting up a girl (whom already has a boyfriend) for Apathy due to the loss of his girlfriend. The Boyfriend of the girl ends up noticing Cho talking to her and starts an argument, Cho drunk as usual doesn’t back down and hits the guy. Apathy full of anger from the loss of his girlfriend jumps in for a laugh to help Cho but also relive some of the anger he’s built up.

Fade Out:

Outside the club…

On the street with security waiting for the police to pick up Apathy and Cho, Sheriff Jabba rolls up and does the arresting formalities.

Next Scene:

In jail…

Sheriff Jabba playing poker with Apathy and Cho, becoming beset of mates.

New Scene:

Same night, week later…

The whole thing happens again but this time with Jabba. They drink, Cho gets into an argument, Jabba try’s to stop it, fight breaks out. The boys get off scott free due to Jabba being there with them.

The 3 have been best of friends since.

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